WRS Media Niche
By delivering quality service to quality media clients for over 30 years, WRS has become a leader in solving the accounting and business needs of media clients across the United States.
Steve Shelton and his team of experienced media accountants are ready to help you meet the daily challenges of doing business.
We work with our media clients on a daily basis, and we take pride in staying on the cutting edge with solutions to the industry's problems, needs, and opportunities. WRS has been heavily involved in transactional services for media companies, working on scores of acquisitions, sales, mergers, split-offs and like-kind exchanges.
Our work in this area includes due diligence, ownership structure, sales tax issues, financial projections and assistance with financing. We are often called upon to advise regarding the purchase price determination, and to assist with the proper recording of these various transactions.
WRS combines accounting and information technology expertise with extensive experience in the media industry to deliver networking, communications, accounting and information reporting solutions. With a Microsoft Certified Professional on staff, we assist clients in the evaluation, selection, installation and implementation of local and wide area networks using the latest technology. We also assist in the evaluation, installation, data conversion, and implementation of both centralized and non-centralized accounting systems to improve efficiency and access to information on a cost-efficient basis.
For our continuing clients, we perform the traditional services of financial statement audits and reviews, as well as income tax planning and compliance work. We also assist any clients with bank loan compliance and other special financial and accounting needs.
For information regarding our media services contact Steve Shelton at sas@wrscpa.com or (205) 345-5860.